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Applied Verbal De-escalation Tactics: Train-the-Trainer (T3) Course (24hrs)

May 12 @ 8:00 AM - May 14 @ 5:00 PM

Class sponsored by: LEIC

This 3-day course is intended for law enforcement officers (LEOs) who have been/will be designated by their agencies as de-escalation instructors. Attendees will first participate in the 2-day Applied Verbal De-Escalation Tactics course. It is focused on LEOs who routinely engage the public as a part of their responsibilities. The overall goal of the 2-day class is to provide LEOs the necessary skills to de-escalate a situation. This class will be delivered in a manner in which de-escalation focused verbal skills, strategies, and tactics are presented in a law enforcement context. Thereafter, these skills, strategies, and tactics will be applied to selected de-escalation focused scenarios using a firearms simulator/virtual reality system and/or through role players. These scenarios will challenge and enable class participants by providing opportunities to apply and demonstrate their newly acquired skills and knowledge while receiving timely feedback from the instructors. Following completion of the 2-day course, Train-the-Trainer Course participants will spend a third day where they will be provided guidance on how to prepare for and facilitate the delivery of the 2-day course. This project is supported, in whole or in part, by Cooperative Agreement Number 15JCOPS-23-GK-01745-PPSE awarded to the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. References to specific agencies, companies, products, or services should not be considered an endorsement by the author(s) or the U.S. Department of Justice. Rather, the references are illustrations to supplement discussion of the issues.
Cost: $0.

Contact: Ross, Donnie

Greeneville Police Department Investigation Bureau

Get more information and sign up for the class here.